

with Dror Etzion. 2024. “The Business Case for Sustainability: Six Takes on a Cultural Artefact.” Industry & Innovation.

with Suntae Kim. 2022. “Good Corp, Bad Corp, and the Rise of B Corps: How Market Incumbents’ Diverse Responses Reinvigorate Challengers.” Administrative Science Quarterly 67 (3): 674-720.

    • Recipient of Academy of Management Organization and Management Theory Division Best Paper Award (2023), which recognizes the best paper of all published papers in organization theory that year
    • Featured in Stanford Social Innovation Review article:

with Sara Soderstrom. 2022. “Advancing Reform: Embedded Activism to Develop Climate Solutions.”Academy of Management Journal 65 (6): 1775-1803.

with Daphne Demetry. 2021. “The New Food Truck in Town: Geographic Communities and Authenticity-Based Entrepreneurship.Organization Science 32 (1): 133-155.

  • Recipient of Industry Studies Association’s Ralph Gomory Best Industry Studies Paper Award (2021)

with Andrew J. Hoffman. 2017. “Bill McKibben’s Influence on U.S. Climate Change Discourse: Shifting Field-Level Debates Through Radical Flank Effects.” Organization & Environment 32 (3): 213-233.

  • Featured in Vox article:

2013. “Defense Against Recession: U.S. Business Mobilization, 1950-1970.” American Journal of Sociology 119 (1): 1-34.

  • Recipient of Ronald Burt Award for Best Student Paper, American Sociological Association Section on Economic Sociology (2013)

with Mark S. Mizruchi. 2015. “The Decline of the American Corporate Network, 1960-2010.” In The Power of Corporate Networks: A Comparative and Historical Perspective, edited by Gerarda Westerhuis and Thomas David. New York: Routledge.

Essays and Short Pieces

Kim, S., & Schifeling, T. 2024. “The Paradox of Growing as a Values-Driven Company.” Harvard Business Review Blog. Harvard University.

Schifeling, Todd. Review of Michael Dreiling and Derek Darves, Agents of Neoliberal Globalization: Corporate Networks, State Structures, and Trade Policy (Cambridge University Press 2016), Contemporary Sociology, 2018, 47.

Schifeling, Todd and Andrew Hoffman. “How Bill McKibben’s radical idea of fossil-fuel divestment transformed the climate debate.” The Conversation. December 11, 2017.

  • Republished on wesbites of Fast Company, San Francisco Chronicle, Houston Chronicle, and 11 other outlets.

Kim, Suntae, Matthew Karlesky, Chris Myers, and Todd Schifeling. “Why Companies Are Becoming B Corporations.” Harvard Business Review Blog. Harvard University. June 17, 2016.

Schifeling, Todd. “Defining Niche Identity: Dispatch from the Trade Show for Natural Products.” Erb Perspective Blog. Erb Institute, University of Michigan. May 29, 2014.

Schifeling, Todd. Review of David Knoke, Economic Networks (Polity 2012), Sociologica, 2013, 1.