
erbphotoWelcome! I am an assistant professor in the Strategic Management Department at Temple University’s Fox School of Business.

I study how organizational and political contexts shape innovation and market dynamics. Most of this research concerns the incorporation of social and environmental concerns into markets, with projects on employment during recessions, the contentious marketing of natural, the rise of alternative organizational forms like B Corporations, news discussion of financial risks from climate change, energy reform efforts within organizations, and community effects on the development of atypical business ideas like gourmet food trucks.

Methodologically, I am developing big data tools for organizational research, and I also utilize interviews, surveys, and historical archives.

My research has been published in the American Journal of Sociology, Organization Science, and Organization & Environment, received best paper awards from the American Sociology Association, Academy of Management, and the Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment (GRONEN), and been featured in media outlets, including National Geographic, Boston Globe, and the online version of Harvard Business Review.

You can reach me at todd.schifeling@temple.edu.